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Home Events - EBCD Online Event: Market-based measures for methane emissions’ reduction: Challenges and opportunities ahead

Online Event: Market-based measures for methane emissions’ reduction: Challenges and opportunities ahead

25 May 2021, 12:00 – 13:45 CEST

Webex Events


Hosted by MEP Maria Spyraki

Co-Chair of the European Parliament Intergroup on “Climate Change, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development”




The European Commission’s methane strategy is looking at a comprehensive set of measures to drastically reduce methane emissions, within and outside the EU. Among these, incentive-based policy measures focused on emission outcomes can play an important role with regards to putting a price on upstream emissions associated with the EU’s gas consumption.

A study commissioned by the Environmental Defense Fund suggests that policy measures that put a price on upstream methane emissions – such as binding methane performance standards for natural gas – will be highly effective, while creating minimal cost for EU households. Putting a price on upstream methane emissions on all gas sold on the EU market could as a result significantly reduce the EU’s methane footprint and could also have a key impact on global oil and gas methane emissions.

This event organized by the European Parliament Intergroup on ‘Climate Change, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development’ will present in detail the findings of the latest Enervis study and promote a discussion on the efficiency and effectiveness of incentive-based approaches that could be proposed when delivering on the EU Methane Strategy.


12:00-12:10 – Welcome remarks by MEP Maria Spyraki, Rapporteur on the EU strategy to reduce methane emissions

12:10-12:20 – Presentation of the Enervis study by Julius Ecke

12:20-12:30 – Intervention by Kitti Nyitrai, Head of Unit C2 on ‘Decarbonization and sustainability of energy sources’, DG ENER, European Commission

12:30-13:10 –  Reactions from stakeholders (5’ per speaker):

  • Manfredi Caltagirone, Programme Management Officer at the Energy and Climate Branch, United Nations Environment Programme

  • Henning Steinfeld, Livestock Information, Sector Analysis and Policy Branch, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

  • François-Régis Mouton, Regional Director for Europe, IOGP

  • Kristina Mohlin, Director and Lead Senior Economist, Office of the Chief Economist, Environmental Defense Fund

  • Michael Thomadakis, Strategy & Development Division Director, DESFA SA – Hellenic Gas Transmission System Operator

  • Nikos Satras, Head of Natural Gas Business Unit, Motor Oil

  • Niels Peter Nørring, Climate Director, Danish Agriculture and Food Council (DAFC), and Chair of Working Party on Environment, Copa-Cogeca

  • Valérie Plainemaison, Secretary-General, European Waste Management Association (FEAD)

13:10-13:25 – Reactions by MEPs (5’ per speaker):

  • MEP Asger Christensen, AGRI opinion rapporteur on the EU strategy to reduce methane emissions

  • MEP Jutta Paulus

  • MEP Nicolás González Casares

13:25-13:40 – Q&As with the audience

13:40-13:45 – Closing remarks by MEP Maria Spyraki, Rapporteur on the EU strategy to reduce methane emissions


25 May 2021


12:00 pm - 1:45 pm

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